sapio 0.1.2

A programming framework for bitcoin smart contracts.



Sapio is a framework for creating composable multi-transaction Bitcoin Smart Contracts.

Why is Sapio Different?

Sapio helps you build payment protocol specifiers that oblivious third parties can participate in being none the wiser.

For example, with Sapio you can generate an address that represents a lightning channel between you and friend and give that address to a third party service like an exchange and have them create the channel without requiring any signature interaction from you or your friend, zero trusted parties, and an inability to differentiate your address from any other.

That's the tip of the iceberg of what Sapio lets you accomplish.

Say more...

Before Sapio, most Bitcoin smart contracts primarily focused on who can redeem coins when and what unlocking conditions were required (see Ivy, Policy/Miniscript, etc). A few languages, such as BitML, placed emphasis on multi-transaction and multi-party use cases.

Sapio in particular focuses on transactions using BIP-119 OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY. OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY enables Bitcoin Script to support complex multi-step smart contracts without a trusted setup.

Sapio is a tool for defining such smart contracts in an easy way and exporting easy to integrate APIs for managing open contracts. With Sapio you can turn what previously would require months or years of careful tinkering with Bitcoin internals into a 20 minute project and get a fully functional Bitcoin application.

Sapio has intelligent built in features which help developers design safe smart contracts and limit risk of losing funds.

For more information on Sapio, check out Jeremy's Reckless VR Talk Sapio: Stateful Smart Contracts for Bitcoin with OP_CTV and slides.

Show Me The Money! Sapio Crash Course:

Installation QuickStart

Clone the project:

git clone

Install Rust (

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Now you can run:

cargo run --example server  --features ws

This starts a websocket server that can compile and run Sapio contracts! You can connect the server to tux to run an interactive session.

Learning Sapio

Let's look at some example Sapio contracts (see the example contracts for more examples).

All contracts have 3 basic parts: a struct definition, some set of methods, and a Contract trait impl.

/// deriving these on Something let it interface with external
/// interfaces easily
#[derive(JsonSchema, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Something {
    /* omitted */

/// Something's methods. Note 'a required for macros
impl<'a> Something {
    /* omitted */

/// Something's Contract trait binding
impl<'a> Contract<'a> for Something {
    /// [Optional] declares the unlocking conditions
    declare! {finish, /*omitted*/}
    /// [Optional] declares the CTV next steps
    declare! {then, /*omitted*/}
    /// [Optional] declares the updatable next steps and ArgType
    declare! {updatable<ArgType>, /*omitted*/}
    /// note:
    /// If no updatable, this is explicitly required if not using a nightly
    /// compiler.
    declare! {non updatable}

Let's look at some examples:

A Basic Pay to Public Key contract can be generated as follows:

#[derive(JsonSchema, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PayToPublicKey {
    key: bitcoin::PublicKey

impl<'a> PayToPublicKey {
    /// a guard is a definition of a unlocking condition
    guard!(with_key |s| {Clause::Key(s.key)});

impl<'a> Contract<'a> for PayToPublicKey {
    /// the unlocking condition must be declared as a finish to be active
    declare! {finish, Self::with_key}
    declare! {non updatable}

Now let's look at an Escrow Contract. Here either Alice and Escrow, Bob and Escrow, or Alice and Bob can spend the funds. Clauses are defined via (a patched version of) rust-miniscript.

impl<'a> BasicEscrow {
    guard!(redeem |s| {
            Clause::Threshold(1, vec![
                Clause::Threshold(2, vec![Clause::Key(s.alice), Clause::Key(s.bob)]),
                Clause::And(vec![Clause::Key(s.escrow), Clause::Threshold(1, vec![Clause::Key(s.alice), Clause::Key(s.bob)])])

impl<'a> Contract<'a> for BasicEscrow {
    declare! {finish, Self::redeem}
    declare! {non updatable}

We can also write this a bit more clearly as:

#[derive(JsonSchema, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct BasicEscrow2 {
    alice: bitcoin::PublicKey,
    bob: bitcoin::PublicKey,
    escrow: bitcoin::PublicKey

impl<'a> BasicEscrow2 {
    guard!(use_escrow |s| {Clause::And(vec![Clause::Key(s.escrow), Clause::Threshold(2, vec![Clause::Key(s.alice), Clause::Key(s.bob)])]) });
    guard!(cooperate |s| {Clause::And(vec![Clause::Key(s.alice), Clause::Key(s.bob)])});

impl<'a> Contract<'a> for BasicEscrow2 {
    declare! {finish, Self::use_escrow, Self::cooperate}
    declare! {non updatable}

Until this point, we haven't made use of any of the CheckTemplateVerify functionality of Sapio. These could all be done in Bitcoin today.

But Sapio lets us go further. What if we wanted to protect from Alice and the escrow or Bob and the escrow from cheating?

#[derive(JsonSchema, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TrustlessEscrow {
    alice: bitcoin::PublicKey,
    bob: bitcoin::PublicKey,
    alice_escrow: (CoinAmount, bitcoin::Address),
    bob_escrow: (CoinAmount, bitcoin::Address)

impl<'a> TrustlessEscrow {
    guard!(cooperate |s| {Clause::And(vec![Clause::Key(s.alice), Clause::Key(s.bob)])});
    /// then! macro defines a function to create a list of transactions options
    /// to be required.
    /// The iterator is boxed to permit arbitrary inner types.
    then! {use_escrow |s| {
        let o1 = txn::Output::new(
            Compiled::from_address(s.alice_escrow.1.clone(), None),
        let o2 = txn::Output::new(
            Compiled::from_address(s.bob_escrow.1.clone(), None),
        let mut tb = txn::TemplateBuilder::new().add_output(o1).add_output(o2).set_sequence(0, 1700 /*roughly 10 days*/);

impl<'a> Contract<'a> for TrustlessEscrow {
    declare! {finish, Self::cooperate}
    /// we must declare in order for it to be active
    declare! {then, Self::use_escrow}
    declare! {non updatable}

Now with TrustlessEscrow, we've done a few things differently. A then! designator tells the contract compiler to add a branch which must create the returned transaction if that branch is taken. We've also passed in a sub-contract for both Alice and Bob to allow us to specify at a higher layer what kind of pay out they receive. Lastly, we used a call to set_sequence to specify that we should have to wait 10 days before using the escrow (we could pass this as a parameter if we wanted though).

Sapio will look to make sure that all paths of our contract are sufficiently funded, only losing an amount for fees (user configurable).

Helpful Hints

Debugging Macros

First, you need to be on the nightly compiler via rustup default nightly.

Then, you can run (for example):

cargo rustc --example=server --features="ws" -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded

Which will expand all of the macros in the example "server".